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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

61 day mark

I gave blood today.  It was a week after my 54 day mark (the day you can give again if I remember correctly)
And the nurse taking my pulse told me:
"Did you know your heart skips a beat?"
-Now... I've taken my pulse before.  If my heart has always skipped a beat I would have known.  This is something new. 
... "Do you have any difficulty with physical activity"

She was concerned.
I wasn't.

Its sad, yesterday I looked in the mirror and I could swear I've gained.  I'm a reasonable person.  I know what is lost weight and what is gained weight.  I know I have been fine when I was thinner.  I know it.
I've actually been different.
But I eat like everyone else.

I'm curious though...  Why was my pulse so high (usually I'm around 60 unless I'm fasting- and that is 72-80- and I got 74 when I wasn't fasting)?  Weird.
I know my body.  I know my mind.

I spent every spare second of today eating.  I didn't have many spare seconds, but I got in 3 complete meals.
Right now I want to sleep.
But I have a project to do.
Then sleep.

I'm lonely...

stay beautiful

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