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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trash Day

The dumpster truck came by to pick up the trash today. I'm so bad at being a responsible adult that sometimes I leave it empty. But then again I live alone and I don't generate much trash. I've forgotten before and having two weeks of trash at a time isn't too much since I'm pretty low waste generally. Its one of the environmental benefits of calorie restriction.

The small things break me down. I hate the feeling of looking to scotch tape on Christmas day to wrap some presents. I hate how I lament on how I've done this three years consecutively. I have a semiserious case of first world anxieties.

My weight is up 3lbs. 5lbs if I weigh with clothes on since I still have to wear so much to stay warm. I'm upset about it every time I can spare a second.
My cat got a feeding bowl for christmas, so far its been stressing her out. Hopefully she adjusts fine. For now I'll have to evict her from my lap because I have somewhere to be.
