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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Say To Lots

I seem to have made a friend on the running trail I use, and I think I finally figured out a good estimation how to calculate my true distance.
So far my calorie count is at about 1205 and it is 12:35PM. Doesn't seem like I am trying to lose weight does it?
But after adding the small workout I did this morning- and shall continue after blogging this- to the 2 hour walk I just took: I'm doing okay. That walk was intense. When I hit 40 minutes I started to feel my soreness come out a little. Then at the hour mark I felt great again. At 1:40 I was really sore, so I started running a little, and went 1 mile running. I regret it, but I had gotten hot just before I decided to run and took my shirt off (shouldn't have worn black). People were staring at me. Thankfully I the place I run laps around is a park in a very quiet neighborhood, but there was landscaping guys that took their break near the park that were watching me and old people that crossed by with gaping mouths and blank eyes. It was annoying, but more so. I'm not some doll or person on a magazine cover. I just wish they could leave me alone. They mostly did, and except for making themselves look like brainless fools, they caused me no trouble.
2 hours is a long time. Or it feels like a really long time to exercise for.

Anyway, about my friend. My new friend is a cat. I've stopped in the past to pet him, or will walk to him during my breaks, so it likes me now. When I was running today it kept going to the edge of the trail and laying down waiting for me. When I got close it would meow and roll around. I kinda wanted to stop, but it was well before the hour mark. I was shooting for 2 hours and stopping to spend time with that new friend would have taken away from that goal. I'm sorry. I think the cat is a guy, but it could be female for all I care. I usually like female cats better anyway.

The course I run is the perimeter of a park. Inside my loop is a soccer field, a park, a basketball court, and a bunch of trees. It is mostly shady and about 1/3 dirt. I like it because it is close to my house and the ground is relatively flat. I have used the monkey-bars in the playground to do pull-ups on occasion, and will continue to as long as I use that park for my runs.
So far I've just been counting my laps as every 4 is a mile. I know the loops I do are much larger than a 400 meter track lap, but in order to keep myself from overestimating I underestimate. Last night I ran 16 laps (pretended that was 4 miles) in about 40 minutes. Which is much slower than the pace I was going. Today, when I ran that mile (or 4 laps) straight at the 1:40 mark I had finished and saw I was at the 1:50 mark. For me, a non-stop jogging mile is about 8 minutes, not the 10 I had taken. So I estimate that every 4 laps is actually a mile plus one more track lap of 400 meters. Therefore, last night I ran about 5 miles in about 40 minutes, which is much more reasonable considering I never stopped jogging the entire time, and ran the last lap out.

I'm trying. I'm trying to try as hard as those with the freedom to starve. I have no such freedom. My stomach hurts... all I ate was a sandwich for lunch- a big sandwich- it feels gross. I feel like I can't move, but I have to at least work out a little bit more.
I'm off to finish this day: my goal is 300 push-ups before dinner tonight. Should be easy. I will try to post anther entry tonight with my total calorie count for the day. BTW, I don't have school Wednesdays if you were wondering where I got the time from.

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