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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Fun Easy

I woke up and ate this morning. Something I will never get into the habit of is skipping out on breakfast because I have eaten breakfast forever. I'll always eat breakfast.
And I've spent all day cooking, picking out food and making delicious meals and snacks. But I barely ate so far. Calorie count so far is about 850. Its going to be around 1200 by tonight. I'm dizzy already, but that is because I've had so much fun today. I used up so much energy just smiling; my friends are the best.
I had my friends Watson and D. come over today, Watson is my best friend, and D. makes him even crazier than usual. D. walked to my house from his girlfriend's church for the gaming session we had planned (you can even check us out on youtube!) and I was very much impressed because he came dressed up in black with a turquoise tie on. Looking sharp for a day of mashing buttons and yelling at the T.V. screen.
Watson's entrance was announced by the screeching of tires, he peels out in a 1994 Honda Accord (most stolen model/year of car in the history of car thief-ing). Dang, maybe I'm too dizzy to write cause this sounds like mumbo jumbo to me...

Well, I made some awesome food, and the best part is I didn't hardly any of it, only the samples you eat when cooking so you know it is ready and will taste fine. My friends ate the whole lot.
I made them each a quesadilla one of them got a pepper-jack cheese and spinach one and the other a taco meat and cheese and spices one. Doesn't sound that great from just the ingredients, but the sound of the cheese just bubbling and the cooked aroma coming from inside those tortillas would make anyone hungry.
Then, since D. eats insanely fast and a lot more than Watson (who is trying to lose weight- ironic, because its inspired by me- I'm also much taller than him, heavier (now), and more muscular) I heated him up some leftover spaghetti from when I made some homemade spaghetti a few nights ago (I made WAY too much, and on top of that didn't eat that much of it- I've been giving it out like charity to friends). Then I made snacks. Including Nacho Triscuts- Triscuts are actually low enough calorie (20 cals each on whole and something like 10 cals on thin?) they make a good snack for us, if you need the salt- Banana peanut butter bites, and Frozen Dark Chocolate frosted Banana slices (I LOVE BANANAS- too bad I didn't get to eat any of that stuff...). It was amazing food. I could smell it all. Most of my calories today have come from milk. 560 Cals.
I can feel that I didn't get a 'normal' amount of food. I'm a little shaky- you think I'd be used to this... I dunno.

By the way... I didn't run last night. I think thats 2 nights of not running... So I should be running tonight... or right now.
Let us see how it goes.

I support you all. Whether you like food, you eat food, you don't want to eat, or whatever you do. But you have to eat sometime to survive... I recommend eating bananas- only because I love them!

Goodluck to you all!

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