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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Trouble Car

I'm colder than I was before.
It hurts.

I didn't even count how many I did today.

I need to sleep after this.
I will not be able to...

Today I had car trouble. I was at work... long story long story long story... and now my mom's minivan doesn't work. It is my fault. Still my mother doesn't blame me. The one time I borrow her car... it just breaks.
My friend Watson is a pal. I haven't told him yet, but I am going to make him a steak because he was so great to me. When my mother needed a ride to where I was (insurance would NOT tow or even touch the car unless the insurance holder was there, and guess why I was using her van in the first place... because there was no other car!). He convinced his mother to allow him to give my mom a ride. I love my mom, she needed to get work done today and she helped me out. Then, Watson had made plans (without me... but it was cool cause things worked out) to come over for video games. And when I told him I'd call him back on it, I forgot. I was too busy figuring out how to cover the rest of my shift (you see, for my shift I drive to 4 stores and work the lunch break for all the staff)... which worked out. Then he calls me back saying in a puppy dog voice "you're going to tell me we have to cancel huh?"
I had to let him come over. And we had a blast, he brought HD (Another friend) and M. M. is a new friend. Friends are awesome. When they left I started doing my push-ups. And now I must sleep.

Today, I have seen myself shirtless a few times... and I can notice a HUGE difference from the pictures I have on PT. I might need to upload more. Show people the progress.
Whenever I think of all the times I failed, I also think of how much better I could be. I can't say I will be able to try harder. But I will at least move forward from here if I can.

F-F is always on my mind. Maybe that is why through all the car trouble and everything, all I could think about was her and my friends. I wasn't sad all day.

Stay Beautiful

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