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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mind Out In

I'm out of my Mind because I'm stuck in it.
No. I cannot explain.

I saw an old friend and she said "you lost weight": it felt so good to hear that. Then she said " could die". No.
Give me some credit. People say to me all the time "You are Genius!" I'm not going to die like this... I'm smart.

Smart = I'm going to eat tonight, we have this small thanksgiving get together with friends... and because I'm smart I shall eat.
I'd like to tell you the progress I've made, but I do not have a clue.
I can't remember what I ate, or didn't eat...
How many push-ups I did. What other activities I did. I seriously do not know.

I can give blood in 2 days. And I will. So if it kills me... That might be a good way to die.
I just told you I will not die. But I'm kind of hoping that giving blood is as serious as they say. Because it never is... Giving blood was the same to me as getting a shot. It stings, the bandage looks like a bandage and hurts when you take it off, and you don't feel lighter or light headed or anything. Well, except the thing where when I get poked for a needle to give blood I black out- remain 100% conscious, but I see black for a while- I'm fine. I can talk all the way through it. I feel better really fast. I bleed out in about 6 minutes. I can do it. I won't die, even though I would like to... just a little.

I want to die just a little.

Stay Beautiful

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