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Thursday, April 21, 2011

For those confused

I've been considering how useless I am.
All the help I do can be done by someone else.
Mostly these thoughts come up because I've been used to rejection.  I really don't know what about me isn't good enough, but its apparent I'm not what anyone wants.  No one wants me.
So I've been trying to fall back on my quotes.  A little sincerity can be dangerous, a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
And people don't get it.  They don't understand any of them...
Its so relevant when i say "a richer people could give more, but they would never give as much"
Because I think of how much I give.  How little money I have, but how I give to charity when it comes up to my face and asks for it.  How I volunteer time because I have no money to spare... I have uses for that money.  Why is money so important anyways?
I think of suicide.  How much money would I give away if I knew i was going to kill myself.  Would I still hang on to what I have if I knew I was going to lose it?  I have no idea.  I think of what would happen if someone actually DID steal my wallet when I leave it in my car, or if they went into my room and destroyed everything I own just because I forgot to lock the door.  I wonder why people warn me about these things when they never happen.
Maybe it is true...  A little sincerity can be dangerous but a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
Because all these warnings are killing me.
Making me think of how much I have to lose.
And when I think about it.
I don't care if I lose it all
because I'm not worth anything in the first place
stay beautiful

1 comment:

  1. You know what..screw it so someone you liked rejected you so what!? You need to stop being so caring and sensitive. Do what u want when u want screw whether someone agrees with you, likes you, approves of you or if they don't. Live for yourself stop seeking approval from someone else to give you a sense of your own self worth. If you want to do something important like saving lives become a doctor or scientist if you want to donate lots of money to charity figure out a way to make it. No more self pity! I like your blog but being overly emotional is like being mentally obese. Cut the psychological fat go on a fast mentally. Emotion is like food and the less you have the better you will function and feel.
