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Thursday, August 12, 2010


Starting now its on my mind. Starting now the word it has a new meaning. "It" is my own personal perfection, and I'm going to be it at any cost. You can watch me.

I just performed my quarterfinals run. Wow...
Wow, because I'm hungry already. But hunger is nothing but a perception.
I don't need to eat for a while. The word snack means nothing. Its like when a computer is given a command it doesn't understand. Snack: NULL.

Tea. Tea is an elixir of flavor to battle extreme fatigue. Tea is not a staple. Tea is a secret weapon.
Walking. Walking is necessary to drain time. Time disappears when you walk. Calories are burned. And then, you are closer to being it. It takes time, and walking is time. Walking burns time.

For now... I am signing off.
It is on my mind.

Stay Beautiful

1 comment:

  1. It. It is all I want :l
    We'll get there.
    How'd I make your day? (in respnse to your comment on my post)
    YOU stay beautiful.
