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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dear Poison Oak:

I hate you. It hurts, but at the same time I enjoy this game, and I want you to come back some other time.

You make feel wanted. The itch burns so bad, and although I refuse and refuse, you continue to itch.
You are stronger than me. I need Calamine lotion to fight you off, and even so, you still persist, you still itch.
I never give you what you want.
You want me so much.
I like being wanted...

Dear Poison Oak,
I want you to go away but I want you to stay. I can't make up my mind if I like you or I hate you. You don't let me ignore you, and while it might be distracting... it is better than a lot of other things in life.
Poison Oak, you aren't a person so I don't have be nice to you. I don't have to consider what your feelings are. I can do whatever I want with you and then throw you away.
I haven't scratched you.
I'm just waiting...

Dear Poison Oak:
Go away.

Stay Beautiful

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