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Monday, December 14, 2009


I must be getting thinner, it is just so darn slow...
At least the way I do things I don't get caught. But as soon as school stops I get to workout all day long. And at night I just might go out... and not make it in time for dinner. Spending money on others for Christmas sounds like a great excuse.

And today, the hunger highs were great. I was high for 3 hours of work, and it took 5 calories of green tea to break the high for a while... The day was mostly good.

I also got a vest- that is 20 pounds. I'm doing push-ups with it, I plan to walk with it sometime- and it is funny because if I wear a long sleeved shirt over the vest I look like a fat person. So I could just pretend I am a fat person on walks... How ironic huh?
And if I talk to people "yeah I'm trying to lose weight" and for once they would agree.

My family is catching on sometimes... My friends are OBLIVIOUS. I directly tell them things. They offered me food once and I was like "No thanks I'm on a diet"- and they laughed, because it was a joke. They offered again and I said "Actually, it is more of a STARVE" and I even left the emphasis on that word. They thought I was still joking, and put the food in their own mouths.

It is funny... But I will not die from this. Just get really stick thin. Because I want to- not because I have no choice.

I threw out an entire meal today... it was a good day.
Also people are rejecting me, neglecting me, and I'm pretty much going to be lonely soon. But winter break will not be bad at all because I will take walks.

I can't run in this heat (heat= sarcasm for Fucking cold).

Stay Beautiful

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