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Monday, May 27, 2013

Mixed Messages

Be angry, but don't let it out.

What sage advice right? Because if you ever let anger out of its cage... well you've taught an animal it can roam free. That boundaries can be broken when it suits your interests or a need calls.
But anger is a useful tool.
I used to always be angry and no one knew before.
Now that I've started admitting my feelings things have changed. I have to wait longer to be forgotten and the anger is not nearly as useful publicly as it was privately.

This reminds me of my own words... there are some things you can't tell people because they will try to change you when they know.

What can I do?

I think I should go back to keeping my feelings a secret.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I miss you Daniel. I don't even know if you remember who I am
