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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Alright so I'm looking quite a bit fragile. Like I'd love to show you, but you have to bear with me. The bones on my back are really showing. The rest of me looks fine honestly. If anything I look like I usually do; which is fit. 

So the short story of today is that I was asked for a survey what my height and weight are. And then, this is college so the people taking this survey weighed us to see how close we were to our guesses. I was 20 lbs off. I'm honestly at my lowest weight. I'm also dreaming cold, but I also ate all I care to for this night. I feel like I'm actually going to gain weight because I are a cliff bar and god those things are calories, but it's cool I could use a little weight. Not gonna freak about it, just Jesus I wanna stay away if I want to get eve lighter, which now that I am thinking about it would be pretty cool. I doubt with being over 6 feet tall I can ever skim close to 100 lbs but if I try I might get really close.

I digress do I?

Meh now I want to sleep

Stay beautiful

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