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Monday, January 17, 2011


I don't want to lead you on.

I've been talking to someone as a friend.  She is going through a rough time and I've said some things just because I was lonely.  She missed them thanfully
I've made a new friend.  I think she might find me to be even more interesting after meeting in person.  I don't want that.  I'd have to tell her that I'd rather wait for someone 5,000 miles away, and she shouldn't have someone that won't think about you.
I've seen a beautiful sight.  She has sapphire blue eyes and we are in drum corps together.  I foresee a friendship between us.  One that will last until August.

Life is so short.
I feel like I will die tomorrow.

So I tried to do an hour of running today.  I made it to 55 minutes.
I tried to plank for 5 minutes tonight.  I made it to 3 minutes.
I wake up at 5:50 Am tomorrow.  And I know what is going to happen.

I have seen the future before.
Sometimes I'll be talking with someone and I'll remember seeing the exact moment i am in before in a dream.  And I can recall what happens a few moments ahead.  I want to change the future every time I have this happen to me, but even when I alter my course everything else stays the same.
Time is inevitable.
Death will soon follow.

stay beautiful

1 comment:

  1. That person 5,000 miles away will find you soon enough
