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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tree in my head

I desperately posted something on PT about my mind hurting.  I've had a lot of that lately.

Today I had breakfast, three apples, dinner, and 2 glasses of milk.
So weak.
I looked so lustfully at that zucchini chocolate snack cake.  I've had 1 piece in the whole week since my mother made it.  It was so good.  But I can't... its giving in.  I can do anything but give in.

never eat what you are craving.

I'm part of a nutrition club on campus.  Officially I'm the treasurer.  Thursday I have to cook lentils for a healthy food fundraiser we are doing.  I'd like to claim credit for inventing it... it was my idea.  But everyone else did the organizing for it.
I'm a useless bag of...
of lentils.
Smelly lentils.

My life got unorganized.

Yesterday night I tried to go for a run.  I must have eaten something expired...  I had such terrible diarrhea its a good thing I turned back after a mile because I forgot to bring my DS.  TMI
so what.

I need to do homework, but the fact of the matter is I'm finding it hard to think.  Something about being light headed.  Not enough glucose for my brain?  I'm learning about this in nutrition.  I should have enough glucose... 3 apples.
The space behind my eyes feels occupied.  By an unthinking tree.  It isn't quite me.  And so its hard to think.  I'm bumping and twisting trying to maneuver the roots. 

stay beautiful

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