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Monday, October 17, 2011

Machine without a dream

Looking in the mirror he thought to himself: boy do you look chubby.

It was so difficult to run todayI didn't run far or fast.  Just on a full stomach and after a period of laziness where I seem to only run once a week.  That should change.  If I can run tomorrow.  I'm not sore.  So I should be able to.

What else matters besides beauty?
Only beautiful things make me happy.

I had a bit of anxiety at work.  No one but me would know.
Reading a few pages at a time.
Playing pokemon.
Showing up to class.  Not doing all the work.  I don't want to do all the work.
Existentialism is a humanism (by Sartre) is interesting to me.  I hope I finish it.  Halfway.  Still.


I am nothing more than what I realize.  With my actions.
or else you are not.

I can say I have an eating disorder.  I might in my mind.  But in reality... I do not have the severe gauntness associated with eating disorders or the self image anxiety that ED patients display.  Nope.  I'm obsessed with food and beauty and exercise.
Nothing unusual.

I'm missing a purpose

Stay beautiful

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