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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Greek Love

It fucking sucks talking to yourself.
I was thinking for a moment today that it would be proper to keep my mouth shut when I'm alone. Why would I talk when I have no one to talk to?
It gets worse... I get to see why other people hate talking to me. I can't ever love listening to myself.

Its more of that hate at all times relationship. Or hate then ignore.
How do you ignore yourself?
Actually I think I've been quite sucessful at it. I've been living off more video games than food. Yesterday I had a bunch of shoveling to do and I knew I couldn't do it without fuel. The world instantly changed.
I hate eating.
The static of starvation is admirably suitable.
Although... I can't say its effects are flattering to my appearance.
Girls are so lucky... I have to do extra work to be worthy of a lingering gaze. And even then I'm not attractive to begin with.

I've found a source of motivation.

I think I've worn out my vacation. I need to start something new. But it doesn't start yet... and when it does start I don't know what I am going to do.

Who am I going to be?

stay beautiful

1 comment:

  1. It hurts to see you hate yourself. I know. Hypocritical me, the worst kind of person in the worst kind of way. But still.
    I want to take your anger and hide it inside me, because I don't have room for anything else.
